Saturday, April 18, 2015

Austin Marck extra credit

I am not an artist. It is laughable when I try to draw something in any context.  I come from a family of skilled cartoonists. I have cousins with art in fine galleries living luxurious lifestyles on their passion. My father was exceptional, when I stumbled upon his artwork that he had kept hidden away for years I thought it was  an almanac of some of the great masters, but no it was his old doodles. The man was extremely talented. Those gifts and skills despite any efforts of my own do not exist.  Pictionary is harder than writing complicated software or doing a case study, "drawsomething" was uninstalled after 10 minutes of using it.  

Enough of that, onto what the comic is about.  My best friend has a cat, who has far too much personality for his own good.  He can not meow, but he can make a bit of a noise, something like a whisper. He's been spoiled, after being a stray for most of his adult life he knows how to push enough buttons to get what he wants. He will hold a lengthy conversation about his needs and your duties until his demands are met.  We've coined him the councilman.  Much to the same avail as the monkey kings son becomes human in "American Born Chinese" this cat or "The Councilman" takes on the personality of a person in the home.  Both have some strange vendetta towards people in some context certainly.  One being resolved over bubble tea, and the other more ruthless of the two only resolved over turkey.  The amount of thought I put into this was far and beyond what I had expected.

Before I wrote this I wanted to have a goal, something for the audience to take away, even if it is silly.  The hope is that the reader will be confused on what exactly reading in the first page and have some closure by the second. The dark space and poor framing was very much intended to make things ugly to contrast the last page. Since the goal of my comic was to be confusing, then after resolute, I think it turned out the way I wanted.A quick change in fonts here and there and color to show who's speaking.     I asked my friend if I could snap a photo of the drawing she did of the cat to share in my comic and she said absolutely.  So that seemed to me like the perfect way to finish off the paper, and getting a picture of the cat checking it out was an absolute bonus.

I've always thought about drawing comics with bad art and interesting ideas, this was a fun way to show myself that I should run the other way as fast as I can.  It was seriously fun and I'm glad I did, but I'll leave the art and structure to the artists. It certainly gave me an appreciation for what they do. I would be happy to write the dialog and maybe go so far as to storyboard a comic in the future assuming that someone could deal with my chicken scratch.
Thanks everyone!


  1. Really clever and charming! I think you're an artist in a different way than your family.
