Saturday, April 23, 2016

Comic Final

I've finally completed my comic final project! As you can see I took some inspiration from The Photographer in terms of layout and organization. The photos were all taken previously and combined here to create a new amalgamation. I was trying to show several sides of the same person on this single cramped (but still fit) page that will print in the back of my comics. I never really write about myself, and don't even have many photos of myself so this took me far longer than it should have. I never fit in with the "selfie" crowd. But anyway I wanted to keep the thought in mind that the image you see and the text that is written should combine to create a new meaning. Or at the very least create a significantly deeper understanding of the material, which The Photographer utilized constantly. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy it, and thank you all for a great semester! Good luck to those who are graduating as well! (And yes, the moose was absolutely imperative) Though I intended to show myself in each panel (which was very difficult already) the moose needed his own panel.