Friday, January 30, 2015

Second Post of the Day--from Jake Grieco, who was having some trouble posting...

Vladek throws out Artie’s old coat
·      I take this to suggest that Vladek doesn’t want Artie (his only living soon) to have to wear worn down clothing. “It would be a shame for my son to wear such a coat.” Why would that be? How does this scene work to get deeper into Artie and Vladek’s relationship? Earlier in the story the coat was good enough for a “wooden hanger” now it goes out into the trash? Is Vladek changing or, maybe, reverting as relives his struggle throughout the Holocaust?

First Homecoming with Vladek and Anja
·      There are homecomings throughout the story ( Maja/Vladek Anja/Vladek) do they ever lose their impact?
    In what ways do Vladek's two relationships compare?  Does Anja and Vladek's relationship apply pressure to Mala’s position in Vladek’s life now? Does Anja and Vladek's relationship affect your feelings on Mala and Artie’s relationship? How so? We never see Mala talk about money, it’s always Vladek reporting to Artie, does the reading suggest anything for her defense? What roles did the two women serve in his life?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1/29 Post on Maus I

1) We all have seen movies, read books, and heard stories about the Holocaust. How does Maus compare to other Holocaust-related media that you have seen? Does the comic book format make you feel more or less attached to the story? Did you have any preconceived notions about the book or about the Holocaust that were disproven by the time you reached the end? Would you read another Holocaust comic book? (other than Maus II)

2) There are moments of this book that are extremely emotional and heartbreaking. Is there any one frame or combination of frames that you feel is especially effective at portraying the mood of the scene? Or, any one frame that you feel just works well as a work of art? Can you think of a moment or a scene which works only in comic book form, or would not be as effective in movie or book form?

3) The entire book is set up so that each chapter represents a single day of Art and Vladek visiting each other. Why do you think that Art frames the story in this way? Why do you think that Art on the last page calls his father a "murderer" for burning his mother's diaries? Why do you think so soon after this outburst, everything is seemingly back to normal? There is a scene where Mala and Art are talking about Vladek and Mala angrily says, "All our friends went through the camps. Nobody is like him!" How much of Vladek's personality do you think was irreparably changed by the war and why do you think he is the way that he is today?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Anthropomorphic Mice, Race, and Caricature in Maus

I thought I'd bring some more context into what is already a rich conversation.

One of the interesting bits of background about Spiegelman's text is that the mice were not originally drawn quite so cartoonishly.  Instead, Spiegelman drew them in a manner that was more realistic/ human-like, clearly based in part on the famous photographs of concentration camp survivors taken by photographers such as Margaret Bourke-White.

Original sketch for Maus

Bourke-White photo from LIFE magazine of liberated prisoners

With this in mind, it's interesting to speculate about just why Spiegelman chose to revise his original mice into something more cartoonish.  As Jennifer D. said in her response, does it have something to do with the icon and identification, as McCloud would have them?  Is his decision to portray the Jews as mice problematic because it fundamentally essentializes race and trades in stereotype?  Or, as we will see more clearly in Book II of Maus, is he trying to suggest something more subversive about race and national identity--and the combined ridiculousness and danger of racism?  Does Spiegelman's choice to use animals in Maus encourage or forestall identification, in your opinion? Would you have responded differently to the mice if they were drawn in the manner of the more realistic, anthropomorphic sketch above?

Another important aspect of the Jews-as-mice, Germans-as-cats, Poles-as-pigs metaphor, as many of you have noted, is its historical accuracy in terms of the stereotypes in currency before and during the war, as well as the preoccupation that many Germans had with whether the Jews were a race.

Beginning during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, roughly coterminous with the Enlightenment's investment in creating scientific and racial taxonomies, anxiety about Jewish racial difference came to center around the Jewish body. Many Europeans became obsessed with the idea that Jews were members of an inferior, non-white race. Part of this obsession centered around the idea that Jews had distinguishable physical characteristics that rendered them decidedly other.
Sadly, many stereotypes found their way into caricature.


Above, you can see early examples of Jewish caricature that focus on supposed physical differences of Jews, including large noses and ears, oversized feet, and talon-like nails.

Later Nazi caricature traded in similar stereotypes of Jewish physical difference. (see below)

During this period of anti-Semitic propaganda, as some of you have noted, Jews were often likened to vermin, particularly mice and rats.

The Nazi film, Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal, or Wandering, Jew), one of the most disturbing anti-Semitic propaganda pieces, featured scenes that juxtaposed "typical" wandering Jew with images of rats and mice overrunning various parts of the globe.  This image (a still of the rats can be seen below) suggested that, like vermin, Jews spread chaos and disease, literal and metaphorical, wherever they went.

For more on anti-Semitic stereotypes, you might check out resources such as Sander Gilman's work on The Jew's Body, this book on Racial Science in Hitler's New Europe, or this book on Nazi propaganda.

For more early sketches and background on the creation of Maus, take a look at Meta-Maus, Spiegelman's behind-the-scenes account of the creation of his work.

Art Spiegelman and Maus

When Art Spiegelman published MAUS I in 1986, he transformed the medium of comics and greatly affected the American literary world. His work experimented with the traditional form of the comic strip at the same time that it altered forever the content associated with the medium. Spiegelman's choice to depict the Holocaust and its aftermath in a medium often associated (rightly or wrongly) with children, cartoons, and simple caricature changed both the landscape of the comic and that of Holocaust representation. Comics or "comix," as Spiegelman dubbed them, were suddenly taken much more seriously than ever before. MAUS I and II appealed to a broader audience than did the conventional comic strip. When MAUS won the Pulitzer Prize in 1992 (after the publication of the second volume in the series), Spiegelman's work drew even greater attention. Since the publication of this magnum opus, he has become one of the comix medium's greatest advocates, traveling the country with his Comix 101 presentation and arguing for the importance of the form.

Spiegelman was born in 1948 in Stockholm, Sweden. His parents, Anja and Vladek, who appear as central characters in MAUS, were refugees, survivors of the concentration camps and World War II. Using the medium of the comic and the figures of the cat and mouse to represent Nazi and Jew respectively, MAUS tells Spiegelman's parents' stories, as well as his own. After getting his start by editing and writing for the graphic magazine RAW, in which early drawings from MAUS were serialized, Spiegelman went on to draw covers for The New Yorker for a number of years, eventually falling out with the editors due to the political nature of many of his drawings.

How does Spiegelman's medium affect his message in MAUS? Is there something sacrilegious about his representation of the Holocaust? Do we read his work as straight memoir, fiction, or some hybrid in-between genre? Has he chosen the appropriate vehicle for telling this story?

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The first Maus I post

Hey Everyone!
Below are some discussion questions about Maus I. I thought I'd post a little earlier than Monday so that everyone had a bit more time to read before they posted their comments.
Jillian Phillips

        Maus has been a pinnacle of Comics study, as well as Holocaust literature. In the story, Art Spiegelman puts himself as the frame narrator, as well as telling the story through his father, Vladek. The story itself tells so much more than just two stories though, it also tells the story of a man trying to understand what his father went through, and who he is, and it is also a survivor’s tale.
       1)What impact would color have had on the artwork? Because this is such a text heavy text, would the color have a positive effect on the story, or would it have been distracting?  
      2) What reaction did you have when you first started reading Maus? Did you think that this was a good way to tell such an emotional tale of survival and loss?

Some survivors have expressed displeasure at Speigelman’s choice to tell his father’s tale through comics. What stereotypes do you feel they were holding on to? Do you believe that Speigelman’s artwork and words could have changed their minds if they had read it first?

And finally, the characters. Why do you think that Speigelman chose to use comics rather than prose? What is your first opinion of Vladek? What about Anja? Do you think that Vladek was too old fashioned or concerned with Anja’s health before they got married? How does he treat Mala? Does he seem like he suffers from some kind of PTSD?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Discussion Post from Alyssa--she was having some trouble with posting

Hello classmates! My main goal is to give everyone a lot of material to really build off of and talk about. We all read the chapter and can recite the basic facts… so let’s explore some of these topics.

Chapter seven covered the basic need of art in human nature and the process by which we create these products. It acknowledged the evolutionary (and thus both powerful and innate) uses of art, including exercise/stimuli for the mind/body, mental survival/individual expression, and exploration/seeking out truths. It also covered the artistic process as a series of six steps that have a coherent ordering (the idea, then form, idiom, structure, craft, and surface ) but when nuanced leads to innovation.

- I think it’s interesting to consider the decline of “pure” art (e.g. having no practical value, but being nonetheless valuable). Side note— it it’s likely a bit misguided for me to make that generalization, but I’m basing this assumption on things like a decline in art programs in school, a decline in the culture of the fine arts (art museums are struggling for patrons), artists and products of fine art being generally unknown to the general public, or simply a public dismissal of the value of art (don’t see many people throwing money in as an investment). You may be aware of a very different experience; I’d love to hear about it.
Why might you think this is the case? Why might it be a similar case for books and publishing? (I’d suggest the age of technology which fulfills all the evolutionary needs for art. For example, a lot of youth are choosing to express themselves through blogging on sites like Tumblr, yet while it’s a curating of images they aren’t created by the users—they are merely recycled.)
Where do comics fall in this decline? Are they in danger? What do you think may save them if they are?

-Talk about the writing process. Can you walk us through an example where either yourself or an author/artist may have come to a certain product because of the ordering of the steps they took? Do you think knowledge of the process is necessary? Do you think you’d come to the same interpretation of a work if you did know verses if you didn’t know? If the meaning of a piece feels arbitrary and came about without intention (I guess a sort of happy accident), does it feel as valuable to you? (Loaded questions, I know!)

Chapter eight is a short aside on color in comics. McCloud basically talks about how the use of color is limited to factors of commerce (money) and technology (range/way to go about printing the color). The systems that developed in American comics made additive and subtractive primaries prominent, leading to a flat, over-saturated and highly contrasted color palette. This color lacked a certain expressive potential, but did lead to a focus on the shapes and space, whereas a black and white composition leads to a more direct, language-like communication in which pictures act as words.
In addition, American comic coloring lead to loaded, easily recognized iconic colors for specific mascots.

-Can you think of any other illuminating observations on colors in your experience in reading comics? Were any of the points particularly surprising—can you relate to being more form focused when you read a colored comic?

-The talk about iconic colors made me think of some of the popular applications for smartphones. Maybe you’ve tried them out? Basically they’ll name a brand or character and you have to select the specific hue that matches this brand or character. I was surprised (ashamed) of how well I popped through them when I tried playing! I actually ended up deleting the app because it was so easy it was boring.
Because colors have the power to become so iconic, and iconic colors are so tied into forms of advertising and consumer culture—how might this have bearing on comics as a medium? Do you think that comics that utilize the traditional additive/subtractive primaries have a negative connotation of being cheap commodities?

Chapter Nine wraps everything up and talks about the wide, expansive possibilities of comics, examining their prevalence, importance, and power in the past, present and future to be a “bridge between minds.” Comics in particular are significant because they occupy a unique space in which there is the expressive potential of visual iconography combined with language.

-How did McCloud utilize some of the techniques of the comic medium in the final chapter? Did you notice the shift? You might if you choose to flip through the pages—watch what occurs visually. How do these features work to serve McClouds rhetoric? Do you think they were too strong? Did you resist any of his assertions? In general, how might the visuals have had a bearing on your judgments?

-Think about the way we process words verses the way we process images based on McCloud. Comics are unique in having both of these features and he talks a lot about the advantages of this—can you think of any negative implications (in light of other mediums and comics as a growing medium)?

-This was the wrap-up chapter! Any final thoughts on McCloud’s book? Can you think of any modern developments in the world of comics that may be useful to add to what we already know? What was your biggest takeaway?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Post on Understanding Comics #2

Aubrey, our next poster, was having some trouble posting on Blogger, so here is her post to which you should respond. Obviously, don't feel the need to respond to all the questions!  Thanks.

Understanding Comics
(Chapters 4-6)
Ch. 4) What do long and short have to do with space and time regarding comics?
How do the visual elements of line portray space, time, motion, direction, and emotional impressions?
What are some specific ways comics create synesthesia as compared to other expressive mediums?
How do styles of expression through line, as well as culturally defined facial expressions, in addition to iconic symbolism, create a pictorial language specific to comics?
When crafting the art of the invisible, or the art of audience participation, what does simplification of intended emotional response do for the reader?
Ch. 5) What are the functions of the panel within the craft?
How do elements of the craft, such as the composition and style of the panel articulate or express time and sound?
How does the panel spaces and negative compositional space function similarly or differently to the panels themselves?
Ch. 6) How are word balloons similar to panels and how are they different in their function and variety?
What are some predictions about the evolution of the dance of words and pictures and why it has led recently to more cooperative and graceful dances between the art forms?
What do the ideas of diversion for the masses and mass commercialization do to the limit the potential for comics as an example of words and pictures being closely depicted together?

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Further Comics Theory Resources

I think McCloud will be very useful to us this term, but there is a growing body of comics theory on which we can draw this semester, as well.  Below are links to some resources that might be of interest to those of you with both scholarly and artistic investment in comics.

Hillary Chute's Graphic Women

A Comics Studies Reader, Ed. Jeet Heer and Ken Worcester

Michael Chaney's Graphic Subjects

Jared Gardner's Projections: Comics and The History of 21st Century Storytelling

Charles Hatfield's Alternative Comics

Frederick Aldama's Multicultural Comics

Douglas Wolk's Reading Comics

Thierry Groensteen's The System of Comics

Will Eisner's Comics and Sequential Art

Neil Cohn's The Visual Language of Comics

Randy Duncan's The Power of Comics

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Formal Discussion Post #1: First Comments due by 8pm Thursday

McCloud's definition of comics is quite broad.  Do you think it's too broad? Why do you think he leaves his definition so open? Would you include the examples he does under the category of comics? Why/ why not?

One thing we can all agree upon, however, is the centrality of his theory of the icon to his idea of comics.  How does McCloud use the term "icon"? How does it relate to the comparative imporance of the cartoon to comics?

Finally, what is the gutter in comics? How does it function, like more iconic/ abstract images in McCloud's estimation, to encourage reader participation? What is the concept of "closure" relative to the gutter?

Obviously, there's no need to engage with ALL of these questions, but try to weigh in on the three topics in some regard.  Your first comments should be added by 8pm Thursday, but we can hopefully keep the conversation going for awhile! I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Are comics a medium or a genre? Why does it matter?

Read the following excerpt from Douglas Wolk's Reading Comics about the question of whether comics (it sounds strange to make it singular, I know) is a medium or a genre. What is the difference between a medium and a genre? Why does Wolk suggest it matters which one we label comics?  What does he mean by "highbrow" comics?  Can we put a work like Spiegelman's Maus, with which we will begin the semester, and Archie (seen above) alongside one another?

Getting to Know You

Despite the fact that we might not get to meet one another in-person, I thought it made sense to open the semester by introducing ourselves.  Below, please post a brief introduction: your name, major/ year, knowledge of or interest in comics (if any), and a line or two about a favorite book/ movie/ television show/ comic to give us a sense of your taste. 

I can start: I'm a professor in the English department at UC. I teach classes on contemporary American literature, especially comics, the modern novel, literary theory, and race and ethnicity.  I am happy to talk to you more about the department here at UC or other fun classes you might take or (gasp) careers you might pursue with an English degree. I love teaching this course because I really enjoy comics, particularly what has come to be called "the graphic novel," and think that comics have forever altered the contemporary literary scene and made us think about how images, like words, can tell a story.  I have countless favorite books, movies, television shows, and comics; like a lot of you, I imagine, I am a bit of a culture junky.  I'd have to say, though, that I am obsessed with the newish show, Transparent, and can't bear that there won't be a new season for awhile. Any other Transparent obsessives out there?(Also can't wait for Orphan Black to return!)


Welcome to ENGL 3084, Comics and Graphic Novels!  I'm excited to work with you this semester in this online course devoted to thinking about the ways in which words and images work together to make up the medium we call comics.

To get us started, we will start by reading Scott McCloud's germinal work, Understanding Comics.  Understanding Comics is dated in some ways--it was published during the 1990s and it seems like it. You can almost imagine it being carried to the coffee shop under the arms of flannel-shirt-wearing, grunge-listening 20-somethings. Still, I think it explains what comics are (or maybe what they're not...) better than many more recent publications do.  And, if nothing else, it will set the stakes and the vocabulary for much of what we will discuss subsequently.

Here is some more McCloud to help set the scene! 

I'll make a subsequent post with more resources about comics if you are interested in reading more about their origins and about graphic novels (we will talk more during the semester about the "graphic novel" and whether, as a category, it really suits what we're discussing).

For more about the format of this course, see the links under "course information" to your right!  These links will give you information about assignments, the reading schedule, and--MOST IMPORTANTLY--how and when to post to the blog.